la casa morada

La Casa Morada is the name of my new home in San Cristobal de las Casas en Chiapas, Mexico.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Focus Groups with AlSol Clients

I have been conducting focus groups with clients as part of the market research I am doing for AlSol. I did focus groups with clients from the main office of San Cristobal and also two of its branches, Palenque and Yajalon. I have enjoyed going out into the field and speaking with the women about their experiences with AlSol, what their preferences are in service and products, and what suggestions they have for improving the program. It was neat for me to go out to the branches...Palenque is in the Chiapas jungle about 5 hours away from San Cristobal, famous for its impressive Mayan ruins! I didn't have time to see them, fortunately I have seen them on a previous trip to Mexico :) Yajalon is about 3.5 hours away from San Cristobal in a valley surrounded by beautiful green mountains. I had wanted to go to these branches since I first arrived so it was good for me to visit these regions and meet AlSol clients. AlSol serves women, indigenous and non-indigenous in semi-urban and rural areas.


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