la casa morada

La Casa Morada is the name of my new home in San Cristobal de las Casas en Chiapas, Mexico.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Cañon del Sumidero

Chiapas is full of beautiful natural sights and I was fortunate to tour the famous Cañon del Sumidero (Sumidero's Canyon) twice in the last few months. The first time, my camera wasn't working, so I couldn't take any pictures :( but I made sure I could take photos the second time around...It is vast space (the highest cliffs are 1000 meters) and it encloses the river Grijalva (up to 100 meters in depth). As you go through the boat excursion and enter these immense canyon walls, you can't help but feel very small and insignificant...You can see spider monkeys, crocodiles, cranes and other birds, and even a hydroelectric plant at the end of the tour! During the rainy season the vegation is much greener and brighter. Let's see if I'll go once more :)


  • At 10:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    hola que tal buen dia, mi nombre es hernan thomas galvan ,:) soy de cd juarez chihuahua y en unos cuantos dias 6 para ser exacto ire a chiapas de vacacione , me encontre con tu blog y se me hizo muy interesante, estare como 5 dias en chiapas asi que espero poder conocer todo lo que posteaste me animaste mas jejeje , bueno cuidate y gracia spor escribir en tu blog :)


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